Thursday, September 11, 2003

time to shang yue

i had almost forgotten about the Mid-Autumn fest until a colleague mentioned last night that it was the fifteenth.

I'd been stuffing myself with mooncakes way before that that i didn't even realise the actual date hadn't passed yet.

We've had a variety of mooncakes at the office including green tea and even champagne truffle mooncakes (this is a snowskin kind with a white chocolate champagne truffle in the middle of each small mooncake - really divine altho it doesn't sound that way)

But I''m more of a traditional lotus paste snowskin (NO egg yolk please!) type of mooncake eater.

The best is of course those that emerge from the kitchen of me own house! Have been helping me mum to make mooncakes the past couple of weeks (we started early so as to ensure that Maki was able to take some homemade ones back to Japan) and we've actually done this for quite a few years.

And i have to admit, it is pretty fun. Making sure the colouring is right otherwise the light green skin will turn out to be some glow-in-the-dark type or hazardous waste material warning type of colour.

And making sure there's the right amount of lotus paste for each mooncake so it won't look too stuffed or too flat. (this is probably the more tricky part) and whacking it out of the wooden mold properly so the pattern will be distinct and even.

ah gotta go get lunch and then get ready to head to work....

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