Sunday, July 03, 2005

Epic disaster

Saw War Of The Worlds last night. Didn't expect too much of it. didn't get too much.

I must first off admit being a bit biased as I never liked Tom Cruise(except maybe in Jerry Maguire) but even if he were to be replaced by a far more likeable fella, the whole movie wld still be quite the flop.

Oh please! Zap him away already!

Here's the thing - if you go expecting an epic film (it is War Of The Worlds after all) you'll be disappointed. It's merely another summer blockbuster - relatively brainless, lots of action, big stars, special effects etc.
Much like Day After Tomorrow.

But unlike Day After Tomorrow, it's a movie based on the epic tale by HG Wells.

I think they should've just named it something else entirely and not have it associated with War Of The Worlds.

When it comes to alien movies, I still think Mars Attacks! wins hands down! (Ack ack acckk)

War Of The Worlds it is not.

2.5 out of 5 stars

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