Sunday, February 13, 2005


once again i've gone off my rocker this weekend.
and on my second day of the weekend today, i plan to write up my samui travel piece (more difficult than i imagined because we didnt exactly do much travelling!) and then i can go out and do some shopping (i see tt tangs is having a sale! and maybe go check out that james lavelle shop at far east) altho i was in town yesterday picking up some books and toiletries. but it was still a bit crowded. plus i cant really shop with guys. i really do my best shopping on my own. but i tend to get a bit too impulsive and occasionally will need to be reined in. but ooh was looking at isetan orchard's third floor where they've got shelli segal, had quite a few nice dresses there. but pretty damn pricey. also kinda liked this really cute bag at song + kelly. which wld unfortunately set me back a few hundred dollars. but yes, it would be somewhat unique. wld that make it worth it?

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