Monday, February 07, 2005


so i got this off the sassy slumbering girl's blog. while waiting for story to clear. but yes it's not a sat so why am i waiting for story to clear? cos i'd written this story on sat but they hadnt the space and they decided they wanted to use it tomoro. so glad it gets to be used. yay for mercy relief. but boo for me who has to hang ard a bit longer til it clears. meanwhile i really should work on the homeschooling story but eh its cny. or at least cny eve.
and there's plenty of eating to begin soon. tonight steamboat, tmr lunch at my house, and then my grandma's yummy fd with hopefully kong bah.
plus had already been pigging out over the weekend with a very late (1030pm) dimsum dinner at jln besar (which is become quite a fave place of mine for supper - where else can u get dimsum late at night?!) and then yesterday at blooie's at science park 2 for a great burger in a nice quiet spot.

anyway, yes the whole point was to put out my results for that little quiz thingy:
so what i am meant to do what i am doing? hahaha

Your Dominant Intelligence is Linguistic Intelligence

You are excellent with words and language. You explain yourself well.
An elegant speaker, you can converse well with anyone on the fly.
You are also good at remembering information and convicing someone of your point of view.
A master of creative phrasing and unique words, you enjoy expanding your vocabulary.

You would make a fantastic poet, journalist, writer, teacher, lawyer, politician, or translator.


Dawn said...

hey there's a blooie's at science park? there's one in siglap, lost somewhere in the cluster of terrace houses. at Jalan Tua Kong i think. been there a few times, didn't know there was another branch. hmm...think blooie's spelt the same way at the siglap one.

RealLifeReading said...

yeah it's the same one but different side of the island. my friend jem told me about the one at siglap and how good their fries are. and then ex-colleague greg mentioned his band playing at the one at scipark2 (altho i dont think they do that anymore) but it's good stuff! altho in strange locations...