Friday, January 12, 2007


Ah natural yoghurt. What a delight it is, and how useful.

It's great as a snack - dollop some big spoonfuls into a bowl, slice up a banana, throw in a good handful of raisins, maybe sprinkle some muesli, and then a spoonful (or two if you like it sweeter) of honey.

And it's amazing as part of a marinade for roast chicken - mix it up with some olive oil, some honey (yes again, it is good stuff), some garlic and ginger (finely chopped), a hint of soya sauce, some salt and pepper and a pinch of chili powder, and pour it over your chicken (I used chicken legs - they're cheap here.. the British don't seem to like their meat to have any semblance of once being an animal and thus the legs go cheap while deboned chicken breasts are nearly twice the price.) I let mine sit for about 4 hours in the fridge. And when you're ready, throw the chicken on a roasting tray and into a preheated oven and you've got yourself a juicy chicken dinner.

It's good stuff.

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