Monday, October 02, 2006

going going...

I'm finally catching onto how to shop at Argos. The first time I walked into the store, I wondered what was up with the lack of display space, and really, with the lack of anything on display. People stood at counters, flipping through thick laminated catalogues.

How it works is: You spot something you die-die-must-buy, you write down the number (or you could check if it's in stock first) and then you bring it to the cashier to pay for it. You get a receipt and a number. So you take it over to the collection area and you wait for your number to be called. Then you get your goods.

But what's better is that you can look at all this stuff online first. Then you reserve it and pick it up at the store. It's online shopping, but offline, when it comes to payment and pickup. (Alternatively you could get them to delivery but there's a charge. Plus the store's a short walk from the flat)

So I got a single duvet for 8.99 pounds today. The heater didn't seem to last through the night so it got a bit chilly. I thought I'd better be prepared for worse...

Today's weather: just one of those rainy days where it seems like every other half an hour it's wet. I walked as fast as I could with two large plastic bags and then I got to that dreaded junction with Kings Road where the wind from the coast hurls itself through the street at you with such force that you have to stagger and push your way forward. It didn't help that I was getting smacked by the rain too. So for the rest of the day, I've decided my place is indoors, despite needing to get groceries. I'm not going to be fooled by the bits of sun that keep shining through... sunny one minute, rainy the next..

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