Saturday, December 10, 2005

meet the quiets

I find it hard to sit still, and do just one thing at a time. While I love to read, I read best on journeys - buses, trains, planes - where I essentially am confined to one spot and can't reach out to do other stuff, although while reading, I am plugged into the iPod as well.
At home, I never really sit and read for more than half an hour at a time. I will read, jump up and then go turn on the computer, put on some music, turn on the TV. And then go back to reading a bit, before I get back up and do something. Like right now, I'm actually trying to finish reading the damn Vanity Fair I borrowed from the office library, but my attention's turned to the computer, writing this, flipping over to read Bloglines, chatting with someone via coyote and msn, and with half an ear listening to Occasionally I check the skeds to see if they're updated, since I'm working on summaries today (the ones on page2 that nobody reads, and everyone asks... got meh?)

I wonder, was I always like this?

It was pointed out to me, on Saturday, about how quiet I am - yes, thank you for reminding me. And yeah, I am a quiet person. I can't disagree with that. My family's a quiet family. Even my neighbourhood - well except for now, since there's construction going on seemingly everywhere - is quiet. I remember telling a friend on the phone that yes, I was at home, yes, the windows were open, and yes that's usually my neighbourhood in the daytime. My parents, when I observe them with our family friends, are probably the quietest of the lot. My sister, she can be a little noisy at times I suppose (you can correct me if you think not) but I think generally she's also quiet.

So we're the quiet family. In the quiet neighbourhood. I wish we could say we had a quiet pet but we don't so you don't have to watch out for the quiet dog or the quiet cat cos there isn't any. We do, however, have a somewhat non-quiet car.

Oh, also on Saturday, one of those people who pointed out the quietness to me also asked "what's your favourite swear word?"

So just out of curiosity, what's yours?


Anonymous said...

i think your silence only means that you're one strong confident chick. like me. and my favourite swear 'phrase' (cause 'word' is too limiting) is "What An Ass Diddler!"

Dawn said...

you should wear your "me, quiet?" tank top more often. heh. well, you're definitely not quiet in your blog entries. maybe all that outward quietness was supposed to be saved for being put down as interesting blog entries that attract people like me and your other blog readers. you, quiet? not really :)

RealLifeReading said...

caedmon - heh i should

hello annabel! it's been a while!

Anonymous said...

yeah! wear that "me, quiet" tank top more often!

Anonymous said...

hello, fellow quiet :) but then hor, you're not as quiet as me. i need to get a "me, quiet?" tee. hee hee.

RealLifeReading said...

eh you got customer

uraraa said...

i take "noisy" to be a compliment hahaaa!! many thanks^^