Tuesday, August 09, 2005

There's Something About Snail Mail

I really hate that term - snail mail. I suppose it's a fitting one, in a world where e-mails get zipped off to the recipient in a matter of seconds, postal mail does crawl along at a snail's pace, only reaching a day later, or when sent from another country, days or weeks even.

But I just received a letter in the mail the other day, sent from a friend in Melbourne, whom, I suppose, prefers to do things the old-fashioned way.

It was a delight to tear open the sealed envelope and sit down to read the letter - composed on foolscap paper from a school he used to teach at, no less!

To hold a letter, to read someone's handwriting - that's something I have not done for a long time.

But I have sent letters recently!

I occasionally send some to family friends in Sydney - this lovely retired Aussie couple. But even they have entered the digital domain and sent me an e-card for my birthday, instead of something through the mail! A tad bit disappointing!

I recently read she bakes and she cooks' entry about blogging by mail where she received a parcel from the US with all manner of candy - molasses candy, bubblegum, and hardtack even. What a treat that must've been to open up the parcel and reveal the goodies within.

My sister and I used to receive birthday gifts from Sydney and from family friends in Wellington, New Zealand. The parcels would sometimes arrive weeks early, sometimes weeks late. Once, even a few months late as they had sent it to the wrong address - putting Street instead of Road in the address. The gifts would be packed in bubblewrap and then giftwrap so it was fun to tear open both layers. The gifts were usually small - maybe a writing pad, some jewellery (usually opal cos that's what NZ's famous for!)

In return, we'd send my penpal (who recently got engaged I hear) and her brother little gifts from here. I can only hope that they too enjoyed receiving parcels from us!

It was fun to have a penpal. And I guess I now sorta have one again!

Currently playing The Velvet Underground's Oh Sweet Nuthin


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