Thursday, January 26, 2006

happy new year

And... we are almost set for CNY. (I will never call it Lunar New Year again, because it is so not housestyle.)

The cookies have been baked - peanut, checkerboard, mocha mudslides, oatmeal.
The cookies have been bought or stolen or given - kuih bangkit, some love-letter like thing which are not cigar-shaped, pineapple tarts, butter cookies.
The first floor has been cleaned. (Just don't go upstairs)
The curtains have been laundered.
The clutter has been squirrelled out of sight.
The furniture has been replaced. (well at least the coffee table and the sofa)
The decorations... well... I don't think we're doing those this year.
The steamboat pot has been tested and found to be faulty. (I'm not sure who's bringing the replacement but really that's my aunt's problem)

But, we are still sorely lacking... bak kwa!

What is CNY without bak kwa! (But it is important to note that bak kwa is not only for CNY, it is available all-year round and it is highly recommended that one does not hold out till CNY. Because bak kwa is absolutely brilliant between two slices of white bread for supper/breakfast/lunch. And bak kwa is equally good torn into pieces and thrown into plain porridge. It is also delicious heated up in the toaster and enjoyed on its own plain, greasy, finger-licking-good, cao-dah-ed self.)

I suppose I'll just have to hover by the coffee tables of the houses I visit, waiting, watching and wishing for my bak kwa to come.

Happy new year everyone.
May your bellies (and hong baos) be stuffed with only goodness.
May your once-a-year relatives not ask too many incessant questions.
May your ears no longer be blasted with CNY songs.
And may the Year of the Dog be a good one.
(I decided to spare you from cheesiness with any canine puns)


Anonymous said...

What I don't understand is how bak kwa is available all year round but people queue to buy it only near the New Year. - D W

imp said...

oooh yes. i love your new year wishes. right back at you!!!

Anonymous said...

Finally, someone else who appreciates the bak kwa sandwich!! :D