just came back from watching the preview of 28 days later. the latest story from alex garland, of The Beach fame.
it's a zombie flick, a doomsday, outbreak-ish type of film.
Here's the premise:
a group of animal rights activists break into a lab to free the poor chimps which get tortured there. besides being kept in small cages, the poor fellas are forced to... watch tv. essentially violent images mostly from the news - strikes, protests etc.
but a lab tech warns them that the chimps have been infected. they don't believe him. who would - he tells them they are infected 'with RAGE'. so they free a chimp and it fells raving mad on one of the activists and bites her. She begins to puke blood. and then it goes to black.
and 28 days later, we meet jim, who's just woken up from a coma in a london hospital. the hospital is empty, just full of upturned furniture. it's the same outside. there's no one. but when he steps into a church, he meets one of the infected. they're easy to spot, blood-shot eyes, and crazy arm movements. and of course, they don't speak, only making odd baby-like noises.
they chase after him and he gets rescued by a couple of other survivors. and they meet somemore survivors.
and that's all i'll say. cos i dont want you to go saying that i've spoiled the whole movie by telling you what it's all about. let me just tell u this though: STAY UNTIL THE CREDITS ARE OVER! don't be kiasu and rush to leave the cinema yeah?
anyway a good show, much better than expected. and if i'm not wrong, all shot on digital. which makes it seem even more unHollywood than it already is.
by the way, if u are wondering who's acting in 28 Days Later, don't. They're pretty much unknowns.