Tuesday, August 12, 2003

blog away

ooh more than one post in a day. how exciting.

i just wanted to talk about blogging. i've been looking at other people's blogs recently and noticed how different mine is to many (but i'm sure not all)

there are those which are fancy but i don't think whistles and bells are important in a blog.

what's important? content. muy importante

and what's lacking in mine? interesting content. content that would interest the casual browser.

i don't write about what i do each day, as if that would interest anyone.

it would probably look like this.

woke up at 445. changed, got ready to catch the bus.

had breakfast, lunch and then headed home. blah blah...

it would make an award-winning drama no?

i guess i could use a blog to discuss various issues, of importance to me. like the recent jakarta bombing, ji, singapore economy?

but heh...

no thanks

so what do i use this blog for?

- to air my views on various inane subjects
- to post some links that i've found while at work (skiving as usual) and think i'd make use of them in the future
- to write down some stuff i've thought of (sometimes i do get crazy thoughts too...)
- to relieve my boredom

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