Saturday, August 09, 2003

ndp 2003

ah...yet another national day here in singapore. and what did i do? the same as every year.... stay at home and watch the parade on TV! (it's kinda like a family tradition which i recall only breaking once - when we actually went to the national stadium to watch the parade... courtesy of an aunt working in the civil service)

was it any different? well...same performers, similar songs (one new one though!) and the usual propaganda-laced messages.

in truth, it wouldn't have been that bad if they hadn't started chanting ONE PEOPLE ONE NATION ONE SINGAPORE so many times....

did catch Mr Goh's NDP speech yesterday. sorta expected it to be long but realised, ah...that's the national day rally, not the speech. this one was done ala the US President's State oF The Union Address, seated somewhere (the Istana?) and reading from the teleprompter. looking serious yet personable, to appeal to the television viewer.

but he said the expected. didn't learn anything new.

the most exciting news of the day (8 august) was that Ricky Martin had an orchid named after him! i suppose now anyone can claim that she deflowered Ricky Martin. (sorry couldn't help was there for the picking)

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