Tuesday, December 06, 2005


I almost missed the bus stop on my way to work today. I was half daydreaming about something.
Then I get off the bus, trudge into the office - I suppose the somewhat depressing song that was currently playing on the iPod didn't help matters much - and sat down at my desk. Waited for the computer to start up, keyed in this password, that password and then that other password. As it all came to life, I suddenly felt the need to be somewhere else. It just hit me upside the head. So I have to sort my life for a bit now.

Meanwhile, here's some random stuff I've culled from my browsing the web

Read about the most exclusive restaurant in California, where patrons can request exactly what they'd like to eat. It's a place that's served only seven people in the past decade.

So Much Silence has the Arcade Fire, live at First Avenue.

Said The Gramophone lists the best songs of 2005 - downloadable too!

Do you have iPod finger?

New York Magazine gets a undergrad, a couple of high schoolers and a fifth grader to rate some new albums including Neil Diamond's and Okkervil River's. See if you agree.

If you drink a lot of alcohol, you should drink a lot of coffee via tmn

ok that's enough now

Now playing: Youth Group - Drowned

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think you just need a holiday. Trust me, it helps.

And do my eyes deceive me, or is the Album there??